12 Week Body Transformation Workout Plan
Building a strong and aesthetic physique is the ultimate goal of many, and like most things I discuss it requires consistency, adequate nutrition (quality and quantity), and a well-designed workout program that holds you to account while also ensures you train rather than drain.
A workout program should be prescribed to helps you work out in an organised manner and achieve your goal effectively and safely.
Many will be aware that I am no fan of cookie cutter approaches, and despite being asked many times I have resisted the requests to design a program for all. However, I have softened and grown to realise people will do these types of quick transformation and I get that for many seeing a fast result is what they feel will inspire long-term change.
With this in mind I set out to design a plan that still leave the rate of change in your hands. The steeper the curve in change (muscle growth, caloric deficit etc), the greater the risk of compensatory behaviours i.e. You get injured, hungry etc. For me, slow and consistent always wins. If you want fast, then my advice would be that 12 weeks is more than enough, you then take a break, evaluate while maintaining intake and make a new plan.
This is a 12 week body transformation gym workout plan (PDF) for those wanting to increase muscle mass and transform their physique.
A study by Thomas and Burns published in the International Journal of Exercise Science has shown that intermediate lifters gained roughly 2.2 pounds of lean mass after eight weeks of resistance training. (1)
Thomas, M, H., & Burns, S, P. (2016). Increasing Lean Mass and Strength: A Comparison of High Frequency Strength Training to Lower Frequency Strength Training. Int J Exerc Sci. 9(2):159-167. PMID: 27182422; PMCID: PMC4836564.
Building a strong and aesthetic physique is the ultimate goal of many, and like most things I discuss it requires consistency, adequate nutrition (quality and quantity), and a well-designed workout program that holds you to account while also ensures you train rather than drain.
A workout program should be prescribed to helps you work out in an organised manner and achieve your goal effectively and safely.
Many will be aware that I am no fan of cookie cutter approaches, and despite being asked many times I have resisted the requests to design a program for all. However, I have softened and grown to realise people will do these types of quick transformation and I get that for many seeing a fast result is what they feel will inspire long-term change.
With this in mind I set out to design a plan that still leave the rate of change in your hands. The steeper the curve in change (muscle growth, caloric deficit etc), the greater the risk of compensatory behaviours i.e. You get injured, hungry etc. For me, slow and consistent always wins. If you want fast, then my advice would be that 12 weeks is more than enough, you then take a break, evaluate while maintaining intake and make a new plan.
This is a 12 week body transformation gym workout plan (PDF) for those wanting to increase muscle mass and transform their physique.
A study by Thomas and Burns published in the International Journal of Exercise Science has shown that intermediate lifters gained roughly 2.2 pounds of lean mass after eight weeks of resistance training. (1)
Thomas, M, H., & Burns, S, P. (2016). Increasing Lean Mass and Strength: A Comparison of High Frequency Strength Training to Lower Frequency Strength Training. Int J Exerc Sci. 9(2):159-167. PMID: 27182422; PMCID: PMC4836564.
Building a strong and aesthetic physique is the ultimate goal of many, and like most things I discuss it requires consistency, adequate nutrition (quality and quantity), and a well-designed workout program that holds you to account while also ensures you train rather than drain.
A workout program should be prescribed to helps you work out in an organised manner and achieve your goal effectively and safely.
Many will be aware that I am no fan of cookie cutter approaches, and despite being asked many times I have resisted the requests to design a program for all. However, I have softened and grown to realise people will do these types of quick transformation and I get that for many seeing a fast result is what they feel will inspire long-term change.
With this in mind I set out to design a plan that still leave the rate of change in your hands. The steeper the curve in change (muscle growth, caloric deficit etc), the greater the risk of compensatory behaviours i.e. You get injured, hungry etc. For me, slow and consistent always wins. If you want fast, then my advice would be that 12 weeks is more than enough, you then take a break, evaluate while maintaining intake and make a new plan.
This is a 12 week body transformation gym workout plan (PDF) for those wanting to increase muscle mass and transform their physique.
A study by Thomas and Burns published in the International Journal of Exercise Science has shown that intermediate lifters gained roughly 2.2 pounds of lean mass after eight weeks of resistance training. (1)
Thomas, M, H., & Burns, S, P. (2016). Increasing Lean Mass and Strength: A Comparison of High Frequency Strength Training to Lower Frequency Strength Training. Int J Exerc Sci. 9(2):159-167. PMID: 27182422; PMCID: PMC4836564.
You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs. This is particularly true if you (or your family) have a history of high blood pressure or heart disease, or if you have ever experienced chest pain when exercising or have experienced chest pain in the past month when not engaged in physical activity, smoke, have high cholesterol, are obese, or have a bone or joint problem that could be made worse by a change in physical activity. Do not start this fitness program if your physician or health care provider advises against it. If you experience faintness, dizziness, pain or shortness of breath at any time while exercising you should stop immediately.
This site offers health, fitness and nutritional information and is designed for educational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health related advice from your health-care professional because of something you may have read on this site. The use of any information provided on this site is solely at your own risk.
Developments in medical research may impact the health, fitness and nutritional advice that appears here. No assurance can be given that the advice contained in this site will always include the most recent findings or developments with respect to the particular material.
If you think you are having a medical or health emergency, call your health care professional, or the local emergency services immediately.